The roots of tango

Institutional Communication Service

Date: 31 May 2018 / 18:00 - 20:00

Sala musica, Studio Foce Lugano

The concert-event “Alle radici del tango” (Thursday, May 31, at 6PM in the “Sala musica” at the Teatro Foce Lugano) will see flutist Luisa Sello and pianist María Dolores Gaitá will recount and illustrate – through the music – the evolution of tango. Through to the interplay of speeches and listening, the event offers a different perspective on the cultures and society of our time. 

The event is the first in the series "Arti in Azienda" (Arts in the Business World), which revisits the contemporary challenges of communication and marketing (globalization, sustainability, vulnerability, etc.) through the artistic idiom. The series is organized by the USI Faculty of Communication Sciences within the activities of its Master in Marketing and Transformative Economy, with the support of the Events and Congresses Division of the City of Lugano. At the end of the concert, the artists will offer a moment of interaction with the audience.

Free admittance, but seats are limited. Reservations by May 30 at: [email protected] (tel: 058 866 48 00) 

For full details on the Master in Marketing and Transformative Economy: