Lakshmi Balachandran Nair - room A13 - 13:30-15:00

Institute of Marketing and Communication Management

Start date: 10 April 2013

End date: 11 April 2013

The (Reconsidered) Role of Replication Logic in Enhancing Internal Validity and  External Validity in Case Study Research

One of the most often-heard design and analysis approaches for case study research is "Replication Logic", the strategy which uses theory to determine other cases to which the findings of one case can be generalized. In Case study approach, researchers typically use Replication Logic in the context of external, and not internal validity. Despite this common usage of Replication Logic, there is reason to believe its foremost objective actually is internal validity or the plausibility of causal relationships between variables. Thus, confusion surrounds one of the key methodological means (Replication Logic) and its ends (internal vs. external validity). As a result, we find that Replication Logic is underutilized as a means to enhance both of them.