Lucia Gatti - room A33 - 13:30-15:00

Istituto di marketing e comunicazione aziendale

Data d'inizio: 20 Marzo 2013

Data di fine: 21 Marzo 2013

CSR in Marketing: State of the art and future challenge


The objective of this article is to understand how the discipline of marketing has thus far addressed and incorporated corporate social responsibility (CSR). Our quantitative literature review shows that research questions in literature are stuck in the "how" question frame-that is, how CSR can affect consumer response, which in turn influences the firm's profitability. In addition, our review confirms that most marketing research is based on the "instrumental" approach to CSR, which tends to emphasize solely the business consequences of engaging in CSR. As our review suggests, the instrumental perspective favours a rationalistic vision of consumers that excludes ethical considerations as a question of responsibility. We therefore claim-based on the American Marketing Association (AMA) definition of marketing-the need to take a step toward a more comprehensive integration of the ethical, societal, and political implications of CSR in marketing.